Welcome to “IFSK”…

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the website for the International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge.

For those of you who are coming to this website for the first time and wanting to understand how my organization may benefit your life, I’ll explain.  I do a variety of different things.  I teach Development  Classes, do Private Readings,  maintain a list of books to read relating to this topic, and have several different kinds of Special Events throughout the year.

I’ve added testimonials to my website.  I realized that since you may not know me or my intentions and skills, it would be helpful for my students to explain how my classes and I have impacted their lives. There are several so they should really give you a good idea of what to expect.

My primary function each month is to teach Development Classes to advance your Psychic / Mediumistic abilities.  Skills which I think are normal to use in your everyday life.  Because of the pandemic, I started doing most classes on line using Zoom.  I currently am now doing some of the classes in-person each month.  The classes have different skill levels based on how much you have been studying the British Style of Mediumship and what your goals are to use those skills.   Level 1 Special Topics is primarily for people brand new to my organization and the British Style of Evidential Mediumship.  That level is a series of up to 4 classes.  Level 2 Special Topics is for people who have done the Level 1 classes and are ready to progress to a more advanced level of understanding how these things work.  Level 2 is usually a level for people who have had up to a year of study with me or who simply want a group to meet with each month who are like minded on this subject.   Even if you have been studying for a while and have experience in British Style Mediumship, the Special Topic Classes are always open to anyone who simply wants to learn more about that specific topic. Then there is a level for Established Students.  This level includes people who have studied with me more than a year and actually some as long as 15+ years.  (I started teaching in 2001.)  My goal is to not only teach this subject but build groups of like-minded people who enjoy being around each other and actually like each other.  Check the Development Classes section for more details and to sign up for a class.  You can sign up for the classes that fit your availability and skill level.  If you attend more than one class in the same month the class fee is discounted as I believe the more classes you attend, the faster your skill level will advance.

Each month I send out an email of exactly what I will be doing that month that also includes a list of upcoming Special Events and suggested reading. You can sign up to receive that monthly email newsletter. When you sign up to receive that monthly newsletter know that I will usually only send out one email each month. Occasionally I may send a second email if you live in a city where I will be doing something special that month, such as an in-person class.   Please also then sign up to receive information about events and classes in the city where you live or near where you live.

This organization was legally incorporated in April of 1999 as a (501)(c)(3) Non-Profit corporation and is dedicated to promoting the Religion, Science and Philosophy of Spiritualism. Even if you decide not to take any classes you can donate to this organization. Please see “IFSK Building Fund Contributions” on this website for details. Your gift toward this goal, no matter how large or small, will be appreciated and is tax deductible.

All of the events and classes my organization does are designed not only to help you learn about Spiritualism but also to help you in your everyday life. Spiritualism can be viewed as simply a way of life.  You don’t need to be born with these skills, they can and are regularly learned. If you would like to be a part of any event or class please feel free to join us, even if you’ve no experience in this field.

IFSK Director

Marilyn Jenquin

Our mission is to promote the Religion, Science and Philosophy of Spiritualism in an environment where Seekers can explore and develop freely and safely.

Email Marilyn

(407) 247-7823