Mediumship Certification Program

The intention for this certification program is to give people an opportunity to learn what would be expected of a British Style Medium by the public. It is my personal intention that after completing this course of study you will not be overly surprised and will be prepared for whatever might be asked of you as a professional Medium. My goal is to have all of you be as well thought of and as well respected as any British Medium in the UK. Some of you may want to take the workshops just so you have a better understanding of how this all works in your private life. Great. You’re welcome too.

It is not intended to just be a piece of paper you hang on the wall, nor is it intended to be an online course that then gives you a Ph.D. This certification program is intended to be a mentoring program, a program that resembles the best of what I learned by attending the Arthur Findlay College in England so many times and by the many quality Mediums I met and learned from through the College. My teachers were taught by Gordon Higginson for the most part. I’m going back to those values. I believe what I am doing with this certification program is to create something new here in Florida yet old in its values and style.  I can’t exactly replicate what exists in England and at the Arthur Findlay College.  Here in Florida we simply don’t have the same opportunities to work as they do in the UK, but I can adhere to the values I believe gave the British Mediums their quality reputation.

To learn more about Gordon Higginson please go to To learn more about the Spiritualist National Union go to

There will be a number of workshops to attend, probably 12-15. They will be taught in different locations to minimize travel for everyone. Each workshop will also include an opportunity to do a reading for another student or non-student volunteer.  You will need to take workshops 1 and 2 in that order before you take any other workshop.  After completing workshops 1 and 2, you can then take the remaining workshops in any order. It is best to start this Mediumship Certification Program after you have been attending the monthly classes for a while.

  1. There will be books to read attached with several of the workshops. It is my intention to provide these to you at the workshop. These books will require a written report from attendees as part of that workshop.  You will not be considered finished with that workshop topic until the written portion has also been completed and returned.
  2. As part of this certification program you will be expected to sign and to abide by the IFSK Code of Conduct.
  3. IFSK Certified Mediums are expected to also be members of The International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge. That IFSK Membership will be included with your initial registration fee and the annual renewal fee of your certificate. The annual renewal fee will be set by the Board of Directors of this organization and will renew July 1st of each year.
  4. In addition to attending my workshops, I will want to know the schedule where you are working so that I can observe how you are actually working in public. This will likely be about a minimum of 5 different times/locations.
  5. To also give me an opportunity to observe how you work you will need to attend at least 12 regular monthly classes or other sponsored events by the IFSK.  This way I do not have to travel all over the state to see you work every time.
  6. As we progress with this training, IFSK will sponsor events throughout the year to give you additional opportunities to work.
  7. The topics for the workshops will include at least these, more will be added:
    • Public demonstrations of Mediumship
    • Mini reading parties / all day reading parties
    • Psychic / Vendor Fairs
    • Spiritualist Church Services
    • Private Reading practice
    • Animal Communication
    • Finding a missing person / Remote Viewing
    • Legal requirements / database building / pricing services
    • Psychic Art including music
    • Understanding how and when to use Psychic or Mediumship skills, understanding the UK’s Fraudulent Mediums Act
    • Ghosts and things that go bump in the night
    • “Tools” used for your work with the Spirit World
    • Past life readings / readings from Guides
    • Physical Mediumship / Trance
  8. Workshops will be 4 hour workshops.  At some point in the series there will be 4 hour workshops limited to only 4 people who will each do a half hour reading. This is because you need to practice a longer reading than you do in classes or demonstrations so when you actually are reading for someone you feel confident doing the longer readings and are actually working in the British Style.
  9. After completing this training program, you will have the option of having your contact information and picture be listed on the IFSK website as a Medium certified by the IFSK. It is suggested that you have a personal website to refer people to so they can read and understand how you work before they contact you. This will give you an additional opportunity to be contacted to work by people who look at the IFSK website.  You will benefit by the advertising and reputation of the Foundation.

  • Workshop 1: Introduction This will be an introduction to this program with goals and expectations clearly communicated. The required book to read will be “Waking up in 5D – A practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation” ” by Maureen J. St. Germain. Suggested extra reading is “Transcending the levels of Consciousness – The Stairway to Enlightenment” by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. The cost will be $100. It will include your IFSK Membership and the book by Maureen J. St. Germain
  • Workshop 2: Understanding How to Tune into Spirit Appropriately This will focus on evidence and tuning into the Spirit World to the level that is appropriate for the type of work you are doing. The required reading will be “The Truth about Medium” by Gary E. Swartz, Ph.D.  Suggested extra reading is “The Afterlife Experiments” also by Gary E. Swartz, Ph.D.  The cost will be $90 and will include the required book.
  • Workshop3: Psychic Art The workshop will include a discussion on music and other forms of art. The required book to go with the workshop is “Draw Real People” by Lee Hammond.  If you can find the book, the suggested additional reading is “Unfinished Symphonies” by Rosemary Brown.  It was published in 1971 so it may be hard to find but it is quite interesting to read. The cost will be $90 and will include the required book on drawing.
  • Workshop 4: Finding Missing People / Remote Viewing The required reading will be “A Mind for Murder” by Noreen Reiner. This book needs to be read before attending the workshop if possible to help with the discussion on this topic in the workshop. Also highly recommended is the book “Remote Viewing Secrets” by Joseph McMoneagle.  Joseph was “Remote Viewer #001 in the Army’s Stargate program which investigated whether people could “see” events or information from a great distance”.  The cost will be $75 plus you will need to purchase the required book before you attend the workshop.
  • Workshop 5: Ghosts and Things that go Bump in the Night There is no required book for this workshop.  The cost will be $75.
  • Workshop 6: Psychic Fairs / Vendor Fairs The book that goes with this workshop is “The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent” by Esther and Jerry Hicks.  The cost of this 4 hour workshop including the book is $85.
  • Workshop 7: Spiritualist Church Service / Public Demonstrations of Mediumship  There is no homework with this topic or book to read.  The cost of this 4 hour workshop is $75.
  • Workshop 8: The Business of Being a Medium  There is no homework with this topic or book to read.  The cost of this 4 hour workshop is $75.

I will be adding a few more workshops to this list.  This is only what I have planned up to this point. There will be a final workshop where everyone will need to do an hour long reading for someone who is not a student.  As we do the later workshops I will be increasing the length of the reading that you do for each other to build up to the hour length.

You may purchase these workshops here through Paypal. Please note, processing fees have been added to the amounts.

Click on the option below to see more options!
