About Marilyn

Marilyn Jenquin

Spiritualist, Medium, Teacher
Director of the International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge

Marilyn has been involved in Spiritualism since 1980, after her first private reading in Cassadaga, FL. Since that time, she has studied with several teachers in many different locations, including 8 years at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England.

Marilyn has worked as a platform medium doing public demonstrations of Mediumship in Florida and England. She has also done Sunday Services for several churches in the Central Florida area, and has served in many positions in local churches, including President of the Board of Directors for the Spiritualist Church of Awareness, and as a Charter Member and first President of the Light of Spiritualism Church, both in the Orlando area. At the suggestion of Paul Jacobs, Professional British Medium and Tutor at the Arthur Findlay College, she applied to become a Trainee Tutor at the College in England. She was accepted into their training program and completed 2 of the 3 years of the program until a journey thru breast cancer simply got in the way. Her journey through breast cancer has turned out quite well, and she has learned many things about health and life and Holistic Medicine for which she will always be grateful.

Marilyn has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology. She has also done extensive Post Graduate study toward a Masters of Science Degree in Industrial / Organizational Psychology. One aspect of Industrial Organizational / Psychology is that it explains how to effectively teach to different types of people.

She is currently the Director of the International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge, a 501 (c) 3 corporation, having been encouraged to start this organization in 1998 by Professional British Medium Eamonn Downey. After 27 years conducting training classes and seminars in the corporate world, Marilyn now has on-going monthly Mediumship Development Classes in several Florida cities.

In addition to teaching Mediumship to develop future quality Mediums, and as an individual life skill, Marilyn’s goal is to build the American version of the Arthur Findlay College in the Florida area so that there will be a quality stable place for learning Mediumship.